Today marks the start of adding MORE to our 33 years of marriage. 

More days to adventure and discover new places. 

More challenges to overcome together. 

More joy with the three beautiful humans and their families we nurtured from God's hand. 

More reflection of how blessed our lives have been by the people we've been privileged to love but are no longer here on Earth with us. 

Along our way,  we've found more ways to love, and we've worked for less reasons to argue. 

We pray for more faith and perseverance to weather the chaos that this lifetime collects. 

We're still coming to terms with more belly fat, less hair, more grey, more wrinkles,  less muscle, mores aches, and less brain cells. 

We pray for nothing that more ice cream and naps won't solve.  

We're happy here together celebrating more days ahead  together loving each other more.  

Cheers to more with you,  Rick!
