WARNING LABEL:  This short blog post isn't going to win me any awards and maybe even a couple heavy sighs from friends, but it needs to be said by someone like me. Someone who is white. I'd even be so bold as to say, of all my posts lately, this is the one that needs to be read and shared. 

And if you've read any of my posts, you know when I speak to you I am also speaking to myself.

STOP white folks, stop shouting out all the strides that have been made in civil rights, wanting acknowledgment from black folks for these efforts. START focusing on what you are dishing up for the table. 

Expecting black folks to be grateful or cheer for your past efforts toward racial relations at this time is like inviting them to a celebration, but you're still fixing the dinner when everyone arrives. I know my analogy may be vague and oversimplified, but maybe in order to get a few things accomplished, we have to do just that, simplify the recipe we are working on. Reframe my analogy to help you reflect upon its deeper complexities.

And if you are frustrated with what I have to say here, know that's okay, but also know to ask yourself the deeper question of why this kind of grace and love takes you there.

Here it is again: 
Wanting black folks to be grateful or cheer for all the progress we've made toward racial relations at this time is like inviting them to a huge feast but you're still in the kitchen fixing the dinner when everyone arrives.

People are patient for a time, and then some will start trying to help you finish, some will stand near you to give you tips about making your dish better and perhaps finishing more quickly, and some will get just plain hangry. Everyone knows that extended hunger makes you grumble.

So focus on your fixing! Get down to business and look at where you truly are personally and do the work. We all have ingredients that need to be added and deleted from what we're dishing up. Standing over your fixing will take some stirring and might even make you feel like you're simmering in your sweat.

Finish what your fixing. No one can celebrate until you actually finish your dish and bring it to the table. Standing around chatting about what you plan to do and entertaining other distractions causes delays. Anyone that has done some cooking knows that distractions can cause the best of efforts to burn. 

Once you've finished your fixing, then all, black, brown, white, red, and yellow can celebrate in feasting together around the table.

Everyone is welcome at my table. Be patient though, cause it's true that I'm still fixing my dish to serve to you all. You are also invited to bring your fixings, so let's keep focusing on our fixing, finishing, and the feast

Cheers! Here's a toast to what you're fixing to serve up.

Give a listen to Sidewalk Prophets musical invitation Come to the Table and reflect upon the table.

Click here:

We all start on the outside
The outside looking in
This is where grace begins
We were hungry, we were thirsty
With nothing left to give
Oh the shape that we were in
Just when all hope seemed lost
Love opened the door for us

He said come to the table
Come join the sinners who have been redeemed
Take your place beside the Savior now
Sit down and be set free
Come to the table

Come meet this motley crew of misfits
These liars and these thiefs
There's no one unwelcome here, no
So that sin and shame that you brought with you
You can leave it at the door
And let mercy draw you near

Just come to the table
Come join the sinners, you have been redeemed
Take your place beside the Savior now
Sit down and be set free
Come to the table
Just come to the table
To the thief, to the doubter
To the hero and the coward
To the prisoner and the soldier
To the young, to the older
All who hunger, all who thirst
All the last, all the first
All the paupers and the princes
All who fail you've been forgiven
All who dream, all who suffer
All who loved and lost another
All the chained, all the free
All who follow, all who lead
Anyone who's been let down
All the lost you have been found
All who've been labeled right or wrong
Everyone who hears this song
Come, come to the table
Oh eh, come join the sinners you have been redeemed
Take your place beside the Savior
Just sit down and be set free
Oh come on
Just sit down and be set free
Come to the table
Come on now
Come to the table
You're welcome here
Songwriters: Dave Frey / Ben Glover / Ben Mcdonald


Anonymous said…
Have I told you that I adore you lately? (your SISSY)