3 More Easy Life Hacks to Make Today Better

3 More Easy Simple Life Hacks to Make Today Better

These are so simply obvious, but they might be your gentle nudge toward revival.

Pet the dog.  
With a little rub or long strokes, that smile you get upon greeting a dog gets pushed deeper into your soul with your pet. With his permission, rub your fingers across his head, down his chest, along the spine, and down the shanks.  Bend low and give him a massage. Rub the paws lightly. It's like a kind chat for both of your brains. Relaxation seeps in like water. We both fondly float into the need, trust, and joy. No matter how long you pet, they seem to try to snuggle up for more. It's an endless thirst and quench.  Go ahead and pet the dog.

Give a Hug. 
It might be long or short, side or front, a grab from behind or around the waist. Lie your head on a beating chest and relax in the rhythm. Rest your arm on a shoulder and enjoy another's strength. Grab a neck and show support. It's hard to be mad when you're hugging.  Let go of holding on so tightly to yourself and reach out. Open arms can open hearts!

Be still.
Don't think about leading or following or achieving or planning or solving problems or reacting or judging or feelings. Blocking out the all the distracting noises in our lives can be hard. Getting lost in the present stillness can be a valuable present to your peace of mind.  Just for a second lose track of time and be a human BEING not doing.
