Letters are shared pieces of the heart laid bare. I share this letter I wrote to my cousin upon his 40th birthday because maybe it's time to honor those "solid guys" we know in our lives. It's rare these days to raise our glass or voices to celebrate the faith we have in the guys in our life. They aren't out seeking fame or glory, just living each day in their story worthy of a handshake, hug, and simple salute. It's rare that they are recognized for the life they choose to lead while they can hear the words from our own voices.
Maybe there's a letter or two that needs to be penned from you.
Happy 40th birthday, Stephen.
You’ve made a cultural milestone in life! Yet, even more important than that, I think you’ve met another huge achievement. You have become a “solid man!”
While riding a bus recently,
I heard some men talking shop about their job, and they mentioned a gentleman
they all knew through various capacities over the years. One guy proclaimed this man to be a “solid guy.” Others agreed in only the way men talk to one another, with few words but agreement expressed in deep tones, head shakes, hand movements, and quiet phrasing. They spoke about him as if they
were honoring him with a medal. This descriptive accolade intrigued me. What
did this term these men seemed to so easily and wholeheartedly agree upon
I’ve since discovered from
various men all that this superior term, “solid guy,” implies about a man. Yet,
I’ve also added a few of my personal female descriptors. Now, here at your 40th
birthday, understanding this significantly comprehensive term as I do, I would
like to honor you by pinning that term to you.
I’m so proud, Stephen, of the “solid man” that you have become.
You are a man of faith,
seeking His heart and will.
You are a man that can show strength and still be
kind. You are a man that is courageous through difficulty, yet willing to show
You show up for people. Your family and friends find you reliable.
face defeats as all people do and keep moving forward.
You are honest and show integrity at home, work, and play.
You respect your Mama, kiss her in public, and make her proud to be yours.
You don’t just shake hands with your dad, you hug him tightly.
You are humble through your successes and failures. You
do not claim to be anywhere near perfect and will genuinely admit mistakes
while carving plans to improve.
You are not
a pretender and not pretentious. You get along with others. You say you’re
sorry when you need to.
You vulnerably love the people in your life and are
proud of it!
You just know how to work it!
You are just a guy that cannot be
deemed less than awesome.
And so cheers to the next 40
Here’s to molding another generation to be “solid men!”
Cheers to you cuz, a “solid