The young man I dated looked very much like my husband. Though he wasn't, I loved him just as dearly. This man took me back to by-gone days when we spent seemingly every waking moment together. This Friday night, I spent a sweet evening with my youngest son, an evening of simple fleeting moments that only a Mama's heart would dare to try to hold hostage. 

This tender date began as just the two of us strolled through our town in perfect weather, like the days when he was the only one who wasn't yet in school.  Only today, he traded racing ahead on his bike (this kid hated to walk because it hurt his feet) for the pull of his dog, Riley. 

And in very much the same way he used to ask me what we were going to eat for lunch he asked, "So what are we doing for dinner tonight, Mom? We can eat together and then you can take me back to school." So, we traded that McD's kid meal special treat for O'Charley's.  He said he was game for any restaurant that gave away something free before you eat. Those free toys in the kids meals don't entice anymore. It was four rolls that hit the spot.

As we sat across from one another in conversation,  I noticed the young boys grimy face was replaced by a man's facial hair. Conversations of walking over to play with his neighbor friend to build a fort when we got home were replaced with plans of rooming with friends in Chicago when he moves away in a month to start his first job after college.  

He used to try hard to tolerate the seemingly endless errands we ran together. This Mama entertained him in the car with I SPY.  He knew I had to grab some groceries and suggested we drop by the store, so I didn't have to backtrack after our date.  Instead of buying him a small Batman figurine for being a good boy during my boring errands,  I bought his blueberries and bread so he would survive exam week. 

Before this enchanted date came to an end, we topped it off with ice cream. He didn't order a small cone like the one this Mama once had to keep licking so that it wouldn't melt all over him. Just as he's grown to a man, life finds his taste has also upgraded to a Jarling's Custard Cup snowstorm. We still decided to keep this part of our trip a secret like we used to do.

And in the quiet of eating my single scoop, I was singularly undone by how things have changed. The days before he was in school have morphed into the last few days of his college career. He won't be leaving my house for a few hours or days; he will be leaving my house for a lifetime. 

Our date ended with a kiss goodbye as I dropped him that evening at his apartment with a wish and prayer, just as I used to before he fell asleep in the room next to mine.  My heart once again has to remember to let him go just as I did at the start long ago to his Kindergarten teacher and now to this great big world. This cherished date certainly reminded this Mama's heart that every single moment with him is a date with the sacred.


rose mcclarren said…
That was so very beautifully written. I cried. You brought back so many memories. I can still see Kevin driving off for Philly. And I will never forget your van pulling away. Daniel was so young then but I had so much fun walking the neighborhood of yours while he would pick up dried leaves and throw them in the air. I cried for a year after you left. That is a mother thing we mothers understand. Thanks for your gift of writing. I love the details. I felt like I was there with the two of you having ice cream.
I love you both so much. Mom

Is this that little girl of mine that I always told she was so so special!! She proves me right everyday and every time I read her writing which is always fabulous!! I love you LITTLE GIRL!! Daddy
Ric said…
I re-read this blog as I enjoyed it so much. I enjoyed the visuals you write, the memories it recalls, and the relationships you have with each of our kids. You have such a beautiful gift of writing.
Anonymous said…
Your heart is a lovely thing to behold on the page. Thank you for the vulnerability you share and the finely crafted stories that move me in close, where I find my own heart open with the joy and exquisite agony of a cherished mother and son bond that is glorious to behold. Just glorious. Love you. Sissy
Jamie S. Georger said…
I really enjoy reading your writing. I'm glad you find the time to place your thoughts in written words. I always loved writing, it gives you time for self-reflection. Beautifully written and I know you feel like you're fortunate to have a wonderful soon, but he's very blessed to have you as his mom.
Jamie (McDaniel) Georger said…

I really enjoy reading your writing. I'm glad you find the time to place your thoughts in written words. I always loved writing, it gives you time for self-reflection. Beautifully written and I know you feel like you're fortunate to have a wonderful son, but he's very blessed to have you as his mom.