What's the key to a successful marriage? 

I believe adhering to a Non-Compete Clause should be written into every understanding of marriage! 

Successful marriages bring out the best in people. Partners encourage each other to find dreams and work toward them. Struggles come and go in an ebb and flow, but they exist together like the moon and sun. Sometimes, dreams even collide in the best of ways like dark chocolate and red chili. 

Yet, often I see marriages that seem to look more like wrestling matches, fault finding trips with the bride and groom becoming test takers seeking the answers to questions the other devised without knowledge to the information beforehand.

No one becomes a champion in these marriages because no one champions the other.  

These love contracts need to review a basic marriage agreement--- not to compete. They need a non-compete clause with the other for status, notoriety, attention, ease of life, jobs, workload, fault, and blame.  

This is a simple pre-condition to a good relationship.  In exchange for non-competing, the  marriage is blessed without hours of arbitrary limitations and the prospect of finding new avenues to dream and grow together, not against one another. 

I've overheard words spoken to the partner that strive to gain ground, secure recognition, and demonstrate superiority for everything from parenting expertise, employment, workloads, sacrifices made, moral fortitude, and financial input, which are sadly being won only by defeating their partner.

No one becomes a champion in these marriages because no one champions the other. 

Dreamers seeking a lasting love contract need to check their heart's preconceived conditions and intentions to adhere to a basic marriage agreement---                          not to compete 


rose mcclarren said…
What great wisdom. It speaks to the very heart of all relationship especially one of marriage. You have left a mark of peace and kindness in your writing. I love your ability to share such wise thoughts in such a generous way.
Love you ma