EVEN IN THE CHAOS, IT ALL MATTERS...a note to my daughter


All your simple moments matter...

...Waiting and watching while she wipes her own bottom and puts on her own shoes
...Singing her four songs from a tired door frame lean to banish the bedtime wiggles
...Brushing teeth that will come out anyway
...Preparing the snack baggy to take in the car on your drive.
...Finding Horsey to take with her.
...Kissing boo boos
...Watching her dance to the music videos
...Letting her help load the dishwasher

Truthfully, many days in the lives of young moms and dads you just don't remember any of the many little things you did that seem equivalent to the spectacular, nothing earth shattering.

Sometimes, those many things that added up to a whole day just don't seem to have achieved even an honorable mention in this monumental parenting task.

Every day of parenting seems to have the possibility for a pop up thunderstorm that blurs your vision for that day, but especially when your babies are very young.

At the end of the day, patience is paper thin and energy is spent.

You have met demands all day from every corner with clear intentions to create moments to cherish.

Yet, during the deluge of parenting, life is full of the energy draining necessary trivial tasks which leave us with a myopic memory of those cherished events.

We swear we will slow the pace to hold everything faithfully dear, but our best hopes seem to glide down a steady hill.

All of it...all of it...all of it is part of the mysterious cosmic whirl at the center of your life's purpose...to build a life of purpose in our little babes.

Some day, as fast as these chaotic storms arose, they will fade. The energy expended will dissipate and not everything will be dizzy spinning out of control.

Just as surely as some chaotic day picking the right backpack and comforter for college will seem trivial in the scheme of their years ahead.  And your call to check in before finals will seem unnecessary.

But each moment of the controlled chaos of parenting is purposeful.

Rest assured, all of these big and small moments create what really matters: a life lived with the purpose to build a little life of purpose.

And even if you can't remember each special moment along life's way, you will always treasure that little life you purposefully nurtured.


Ric said…
Loved this writing Beaser. No wonder you made a great mother. You were purposeful in your love and teaching of the kids.