It's Ash Wednesday and the third day of substituting for a photography class. Although, I claim very little knowledge of photography, it made me clarify how I picture my days ahead.
I really should understand the basics of photography since I vividly recall the unit in 7th grade science. Sadly, I was traumatized by the teacher sending me into a dark room with certain 7th grade boys. Is that when I began to pray out loud? The rumors of the activities that occurred in that over-sized closet, make-shift dark room, would have shut it down cold had they reached Mrs. Leach.
I was reminded in class today of the difference between shutter and shudder, and how really the one affects the other. The SHUTTER TIME affects my SHUDDER TIME. Ash Wednesday for me isn't about giving up but rather lengthening the time I spend exposed and aware of God 's blessings. The SHUDDER time that brings reverence and awe in place of crippling fear.
Shutter speed is the length of time that the camera's shutter is open while taking a picture. And today, on Ash Wednesday we begin 40 days of Lent and many find ourselves looking for something to sacrifice in order to allow for more intentional saturation of exposure to God because time really does impact the picture. The more our eyes are open to the world that God creates, the more enlightened we are, the more beautiful the scene becomes, the more accurate we can set our lens to clearly sharpen our hearts to what He wants us to see.
Today, I need to find the right SHUDDER speed because I want to discover the awe in the marvelous light that God painted these landscape of my days with. But this kind of awe only comes through exposure. The length of exposure time affects how much light reaches my heart's sensor, and I am awakened to see His joy and beauty in its raw form. Being immersed in this abundant life means having my lens focused and zoomed in to what He created for me.
Short SHUDDER TIME...small living...little exposure... foggy seeing...blurred lines...calloused hands and feet to others needs. And in my fast paced world, I wonder how many times I have blinked quickly at God's offerings and missed His best for me. Exposure to short sound byte to sound byte screens, how calloused have I come to the needs of those around me? In the streaking speed of agenda living and list conquering, where has my lens sharpened to His movement in my world?
Long SHUDDER TIME ....slowing down time...more light exposure... transparent images...triune foundation .... braced on His promises ....holding still in His presence to absorb long and to see clearly the road ahead. Practiced dependence on His steady foundation exposes our life's transparent mission: an image that can only be clearly focused when stabilized through long SHUDDER TIME.
We can manipulate the shutter time on a camera for a variety of affects to produce the picture of our lives that we want, just as we can manipulate our gifted time on Earth and get a variety of outcomes. God reveals Himself through both short and long SHUTTER times, just as surely as He creates every moment. For today, the reminder is that if we want to live within God's image, we must intentionally set the exposure to maximize our lives' SHUDDER time for the affect we want. |
I was reminded in class today of the difference between shutter and shudder, and how really the one affects the other. The SHUTTER TIME affects my SHUDDER TIME. Ash Wednesday for me isn't about giving up but rather lengthening the time I spend exposed and aware of God 's blessings. The SHUDDER time that brings reverence and awe in place of crippling fear.
Shutter speed is the length of time that the camera's shutter is open while taking a picture. And today, on Ash Wednesday we begin 40 days of Lent and many find ourselves looking for something to sacrifice in order to allow for more intentional saturation of exposure to God because time really does impact the picture. The more our eyes are open to the world that God creates, the more enlightened we are, the more beautiful the scene becomes, the more accurate we can set our lens to clearly sharpen our hearts to what He wants us to see.
Today, I need to find the right SHUDDER speed because I want to discover the awe in the marvelous light that God painted these landscape of my days with. But this kind of awe only comes through exposure. The length of exposure time affects how much light reaches my heart's sensor, and I am awakened to see His joy and beauty in its raw form. Being immersed in this abundant life means having my lens focused and zoomed in to what He created for me. |
Short SHUDDER TIME...small living...little exposure... foggy seeing...blurred lines...calloused hands and feet to others needs. And in my fast paced world, I wonder how many times I have blinked quickly at God's offerings and missed His best for me. Exposure to short sound byte to sound byte screens, how calloused have I come to the needs of those around me? In the streaking speed of agenda living and list conquering, where has my lens sharpened to His movement in my world?
Long SHUDDER TIME ....slowing down time...more light exposure... transparent images...triune foundation .... braced on His promises ....holding still in His presence to absorb long and to see clearly the road ahead. Practiced dependence on His steady foundation exposes our life's transparent mission: an image that can only be clearly focused when stabilized through long SHUDDER TIME. |