"Did you just call DUH on yourself?"

My husband's head turned abruptly as he drove and stared in hesitant shock.  He followed it up with the repetition of that same remark mixed with a tablespoon of laughter. 

It was the laughter of surprise and intermittent stare and then laughter and intermittent stare which then caused me to laugh with an intermittent stare of certainty at him. 

The words just smoothly slipped from my brain to my mouth, right off my tongue, " OH, DUH!"

Before you place your hand to your mouth with an "Oh my! That's not even appropriate," I really deserved those words.  You have experienced those moments when something comes out of your mouth that you are sure neurologically you want to claim you didn't say, but there it is exposed to the world in vocal rhythms.

I think I may have taught junior high too long. Their behaviors are wearing off on me.  Or, could it be that I am learning the wisdom of their age?  

Once upon a time, there lived a teacher who abhorred that term.  When I first heard it, I crusaded to keep it from the hallways and mouths of youngsters, believing it to be a pompous blow to the heart of others.


You know the term that means you are stating what should be obvious.  It's the response you get when you ask a stupid question others think you should know the answer to, and if you had but looked around, used logic, or thought reasonably you would be able to answer said question in your own mind before opening your mouth and revealing to the world your idiocy and thus risking the jail sentence of looking stupid for every generation to come.   It's a heavy sentence, solidified by the pounding gavel and a "DUH."

There's this trick I've tried of explaining in an intelligent sounding dialogue why the question was warranted.  However, any two bit junior high lawyer sees right through those depositions. Don't try that at home.  Your muddy foot really just digs deeper into the quick sand.

Some people have very kindly allowed me to claim being blond as an excuse for these DUH moments. Some seasons of the year I am more blond than others. I will highlight at this point that several times a year I augment my blondness.  NO, I don't mean by pursuing even more DUH moments.

Sadly, I have already exposed my intelligence to the world so these moments and my use of DUH can jolt some systems. Note to self when I am in your presence:  always know how to use the defibrillator in your building.

Some have replaced the harsh word with kinder, gentler terminology such as REALLY?   YOU THINK?     HELLO!?!  These terms are actually ineffective if you are not familiar with  the intonation with which they should be spoken; you better consult the intelligence of a junior higher then.

When I called DUH on myself, it was warranted.  Because it happens so often, I really can't remember what I even had to slam the gavel for, but I do remember the shocked expression and laughter.  Since then (which wasn't very long ago) I can think of a few more times that I have had to call DUH on myself.  

Here’s a Pollyanna DUH moment. I walked into a friend’s house who had 12 cookie tubs lining her sunroom and asked “Are we going to play a game, here?”

What about when you are multi-tasking while talking to a friend on the phone and admittedly panic to her that you can’t find your phone.

What about when you’re attending to the sermon in church with your YouVersion Bible app on your phone and your journal in your lap, but you turn to ask your husband where he put your coffee cup that rests under your journal and clasped between your thighs.

What about when you are driving and fidgeting and searching and wondering where your Coke is you thought you handed to your friend to hold while dark syrupy stuff is sliding down the driver's side door window.  (I can't claim this masterful DUH moment, but I was the friend in the car that witnessed it.)

People, these are not moments I cherish.  These moments won't impress others with my intelligence and logic.  Remember, I am a mom and a teacher and a coach.I get paid the big bucks to motivate by professing that there are no dumb questions, but believe me, some questions spoken aloud from my mouth, even I would admit,  really shouldn't be asked because, in these cases one girl's confusion could be another person's land mine of "DUH!"

Obviously, I might claim I don't put my thinking cap on at all times. I may even corner the market on wearing the dunce cap occasionally, but I'm okay with DUH aimed at myself. Really!  Without having to eavesdrop on junior highers, I've learned what that junior high acronym stands for: DONE UNDER HEAVEN! 
Haven't we all done and said so many crazy things under Heaven's gaze and begged grace with a  sigh and a DUH. Sometimes the answer does seem so obvious, but not in the present moment of action.  

Look Jonah landed in a whale's belly.  That's God's way of laughing with him during his DUH questioning.

Maybe Moses's doubt of God's promises caused most of his DUH moments.

Even today, we have gotten in the habit of proclaiming really volatile statements questioning others, only to quickly resend them with a flaunted "I'm sorry."  I will assume these DUH moments brought sudden clarity, but then I would have to ask Cuomo and Rob Ford to really know.  

But for my DUH moments,AND I ONLY CALL THEM ON MYSELF, I will proclaim God's promise to Moses from Exodus 34: 6-7: He is a God of mercy and grace, endlessly patient-so much love, so deeply true-loyal in love for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin.

Admittedly, my speeches demeaning the use of the word DUH probably sounded pompous. Perhaps they sounded a bit like Snoopy's teacher: "wah, wah, wah." 

I do believe my rendition might have sounded something like this: "Your short, concise, quick, and ineffective use of the English vocabulary leaves you sounding highly uneducated and sadly ignorant. It shows a low regard for your fellow human beings and a disappointing, base intellect."   These two renditions seem quite similar because we know the kids stopped listening after the first six words. 

So people...never fear... you can see that I have not gone the way of calling myself a worm.  I am courageous enough to laugh at my foibles and stand on His promises and seek people to hold my hands up, like Aaron and Hur did for Moses, when I forget the strength of His promises.

By the time you have lived half your life, you realize these moments aren't your first mistakes, and they certainly won't be your last. Your wisdom allows you to call these moments on yourself alone. (I've also tried to proclaim that lesson to junior highers.)  So, let's just let this spade call her moments what they are when she digs in with a "DUH," and then move forward. 

The other options when presented with these DUH  (Done Under Heaven) times would be crucifying, and neither you nor I are called to stand that kind of courage. Thank God.

This self-professed queen of sarcasm can certainly kick a few sarcastic commentaries her own way. If the shoe fits, I must wear it.  (After all, I do so love shoes.)


Anonymous said…
DUH I just wrote a great reply and lost it amid the crazy computer traffic. Yes recently I responded to a favorite art teachers discussion with "DUH and why are we doing that?" I instantly felt embarrassed at my behavior but it was already out of the bag. In another class she committed on my remark. Isn't it funny how it sticks to both sayer and witness's brain. I loved your writing on this topic. Very creative and fun Love you ma.