A scholarship application question required my son to calculate the number of hours per week and weeks per year he played his sport.  After tabulating football, basketball, and track, I realized there were literally a couple weeks per year that he was not in a sport, either playing games or practicing or conditioning in the weight room. The application committee was trying to observe how he chose to spend his time beyond the classroom.
I thought of the endless times he gathered his stench stained gym bag and equipment to hit the hot football field or run the basketball court only to return for a second daily shower with sopping wet clothes that landed in the laundry basket, the foulness demanded they be laundered.

I thought of the number of Saturdays, most people’s prized days to sleep in, that my heavy-footed son trudged down the stairs to get to a practice before 8 a.m.

I thought of my smiles when he arrived before curfew after Friday night games to get to bed early because he knew he had to repair his body and mind so the early Saturday practices didn't seem so brutal.

I thought of the conditioning days which were completed before or after their practices. His maturing body witnessed to hitting the weight room at least three times a week every week throughout his high school career.

I thought of my teenager who dedicated so much of his time, energy, and life practicing and playing these sports; and then I wondered.

I wondered how many times facing a before 6 a.m. practice he questioned why he chose to be involved.

How many times did this high honor roll every semester student want to chuck his academic responsibilities when he got home near 11 p.m. with a test facing him the next day?

How many times when he never entered the basketball game did he question why he tried so hard at practice or even chose to play that season?

How many days when he had no money to spend on clothes and concerts and movies and dates and going out to eat did he wish he had spent his efforts on a job instead?

How many days did he quietly endure lectures from his parents about his attitude when he wearily mumbled responses to our questions?

And then all I knew was that these were special days, the days his future depended upon.

These were days of standing willingly and sacrificially for principles whose rewards would continue into manhood.

These were taking a stand for integrity days.

These were days of building a commitment to brotherhood. 

These were finding resilience days. 

These were days of  forming a strong mind, heart, and body.

These were offering of grace days.

These were days of persevering in the midst of trials.
These were declaring unity days.

These were the days for seeking and finding hope. 

These were celebrating victory and relinquishing defeat days.



Unknown said…
Great Cherie!! love this <3
kandy said…
Well said! Those were the days that turned our boys into men and acquaintances into family. Thanks for all the memories. Kandy
Anonymous said…
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” - Picasso

I'd say the meaning of life is to find your many gifts as they unfold throughout your lifetime. The purpose is to give them away.

I look forward to watching more gifts unfold in Daniel's lifetime. And watching him give them away.

Beautiful piece, sis.
Julie Kenney said…
Love it Cherie!!!