Seeing the SECRET framed

A Secret 

What a great word--secret.
"His secret purpose framed from the very beginning is to bring us to our full glory." 1 Cor. 2:7  

It is hard to fathom that God frames a purpose for me in His heart---a path dearly held for me that He paved with his own bleeding hands, life breaths, and dance with the Dark.   He chooses this way for me, knowing me in His secret place, his heart, even when I claim He is dear but don't seem to keep Him very near.

His path is the invitation of a King, sealed with the emblem of His majesty.  His majesty's purpose is delivering His grace that draws me to His table. His secret is to converse and to weave hearts and minds and souls...a conversation...a conversion.

He speaks of  SEEing HIM and knowing what it means to live this abundant life he is calling me to...His abundant abundance of abundance of His abundance of birth...and then an abundance of death and fire...and then an abundance of rebirth...and the unending flame of His passionate grace continues to burn within a soul and melt its fibers to create anew...a masterpiece reframed.

His secret purpose in me today is SEEing and not being lured by the devil's secret deception to believe that more is needed for now, for today, for tomorrow, for my life. That I need to have more in my life or to be  more in my life, but rather He purposes that I would know His secret.  His secret is  to see  God IN my life and to know He is the Abundance, the Enough, that abundant living means knowing  what He has for me is enough. Can I see this path and walk on it even today?

The secret means seeing that I am not becoming a better version of me today, but He is filling me with His glory. He fills me with Himself---making me completely new in this process that is continual...sometimes painfully slow...sometimes slow pain... not one I can orchestrate... and sometimes two steps forward and one back.  

Seeing Him in me is seeing and knowing grace in me and that leaves room for the only other necessity to live this abundant secret-- great gratitude for His glory-filled life. 

"His secret purpose framed from the very beginning is to bring us to our full glory." 1 Cor. 2:7  


Anonymous said…
I appreciate you sending you beautiful words. I will have to ponder them more deeply. Now it seems God is working on the glory of his garden. The trees are taking on the fall colors I love so much and the squirrels are scurring around storing up nuts for the hard winter months. Yes his glory in all it's color and abundance. I love you Ma said…
Beautiful, Cherie. I love it. Love you, too. Peggy